Training Courses
Results Driven Group
What makes the results driven experience different from any other residential course?
We start with the location
The northern Lake District around Keswick and Derwent Water is arguably one of the most beautiful areas in the UK. It does not matter which time of year you are there, the panorama is always changing and the views are always stunning.

We use nature as a metaphor for learning
We believe that you think and work differently according to the environment you are exposed to and work in. We use all the elements of nature to enhance the learning experience and take you out on each day of the programme to experience learning outdoors.

The landscape around us, the Mountains, Valleys and different vistas according to the seasons.

The different forces that the wind can create and the effect on the landscape that it has is awe inspiring!!

The strength of the sun and difference it can make to a view or an experience or how you feel allows you to reflect and look at things from different perspectives.

The lakes and the rain, the background vistas that you can embrace in the different seasons make this a stunning place to learn.
The delegate experience is completely different
On any other residential course, you would turn up at 09:30, do your course work and then go back to your hotel at 16:00. As part of the programme we spend time learning together, undertaking activities together, eating together and most of all having FUN. One delegate recently described this as Homeliness, and that he had never come across this type of experience before on a training course.
The networking aspect
This is something you can never recreate on a closed course. When you mix up clients who come from the public, private and third sectors, who have had completely different life experiences, different perspectives of how things work and job roles – then anything can happen. It is usually pretty special and we have seen long-lasting friendships developed over the time spent with us in the Lakes.
Results Driven Group Courses

Bite-Size Learning

Management and Leadership

Coaching and Mentoring


Personal Effectiveness and Communication

Project Management

All the courses are designed around business need, are solution focused and return on investment driven and consist of pre-course analysis and post-course follow up to ensure two things:

To make sure the course is tailored to your needs in the first place.

We support you in the workplace after the course has finished ensuring that the knowledge you have gained has been effective in the way in which you work.
All the courses can be delivered anywhere, at any time and with a minimum group of 4 people.
Don’t worry if there is only you from your company. Once we have four delegates we will then run it at a convenient location, ideally in one of the workplaces or at a venue convenient to all of us or they can be delivered as 1-1 coaching sessions onsite according to your needs.
Why not try our telephone coaching service!
The Quality of Service
Our trainers have all worked in senior roles throughout the public, private and third sectors and are aware of business issues that face us all on a daily basis. They have come across the same issues that you have and will help you to solve them.
Most training companies will train you for a day and then forget about you – not RDG. We pride ourselves in ensuring that the course is effective after delivery and, if more support is needed, the trainers will happily coach you to further your areas of development.
Of course, further development is optional but once you have seen how effective bespoke training is, then you will want to try some more.
Most of the courses are 1 to 2 days in duration, but our ILM programmes are longer according to the level and type of the programme.