Bite-Size Learning
 Training Courses
Learning sessions tutor-led and online options

Deliver in house from 4 up to 20 candidates

Effective learning through a different method

Bite-size tuition to fit around busy work schedules

Fun and engaging sessions that inspire

Customised cluster modules to suit your company's needs
Face-to-Face (Onsite) and Tutor-Led Online Programme
The cost for a day’s delivery onsite or online to 60 delegates (3 x 2-hour session at 20 delegates per session) is £1,795 = £29.92 per delegate.
Additional costs for Travel/Accommodation/Sustenance are also charged for onsite delivery.

You can now buy the course content for each module
As more companies have an in-house Learning and Development function, sometimes it can save you a whole load of time and effort to buy content which is already written and you can deliver it in-house yourselves!!
Each module comes with the associated lesson plan and course handouts and all for just £750 + VAT per module.
Course Brochure
We have course brochures that delve into greater detail concerning the attributes of the courses, the support and tuition from our qualified instructors, an explanation of objectives and the benefits to clients on completing the programme.
Bite-Size Module Courses
The matrix below is a complete list of the bite-size courses currently active and available to clients. Further information is available for each module by clicking on the view course link.
Adapting to a Changing Environment in the Public or Private Sectors
Assessment and Evaluation of Training/Skills Needs
Closing Deals
Commercial Reality
Communication Skills Excellence
Creative Problem Solving
Critical Business Decision Making
Customer Service Skills Excellence
Dealing With Difficult Customers
Dealing With Difficult People
Delegation and Empowerment
Delivering Developmental Feedback
Developing a Customer Service Culture
Developing a Positive Mental Attitude
Equality and Diversity in the Workplace
Financial Awareness for Managers
Handling Objections With Style
How to Cope With Stress on a Day-to-Day Basis at Work
How to Deliver a Motivational Appraisal
Inspirational Leadership
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
Lean Thinking and Implementation Through the use of Empowerment
Management and Leadership - What is the Difference?
Managing a Matrix Team
Managing Change
Managing Upwards
Meetings Management
Mindful Leadership
Performance Coaching
Performance Management
Personal Presentation
Powerful Presentations
Project Management
Questioning to Success
Report Writing
Stakeholder Management
The Bribery Act
Time Management
Understanding and Developing Team Dynamics
Understanding Risk Management
Supporting Employees’ Mental Health and Wellbeing at a Business Level
Wellbeing Champions in the Workplace
Looking After Your Own Wellbeing
Maintaining a Work-Life Balance

Want to book a course?
- Improve your management skills
- Elevate your confidence and competence
- Raiser your career earnings and pay-scale band
- Attain professional recognition with a seal of approval