Training Courses
Personal Effectiveness & Communication
Personal Effectiveness & Communication
You can be positive by saying ‘NO’
- Do you always say what you want to?
- Do you always do what you want to?
- Or do you always take on the jobs everyone wants to ‘off load’?
- Does embarrassment get in the way?
Assertiveness training is about boosting your self-esteem and building personal confidence. It is also about listening and responding to the needs of others without neglecting your own interests or compromising your principles.
This course will explore the definition of Assertiveness and Communication using the correct style.
Who is this course suitable for?
Anyone wishing to improve their assertiveness skills.
Programme Topic Areas
What is assertiveness?
Passive or aggressive?
Your experiences to date
Your right to say no
How do we communicate?
Attitude & body language
Your style
Your own plan and ‘to do’ tasks
Have fun, enjoy and be successful!
Summary and action plans agreed
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