Training Courses
Management & Leadership Development – Non Qualification

EI as a Strategy for Leadership

2 Day Course

This practical workshop will help leaders explore and evaluate how their own beliefs and values can contribute to an effective leadership approach

In the business world, intellect has proven invaluable in driving success, by enabling managers to make financial decisions based on analytical details, sound strategies based on facts and data, and processes and procedures based on review and analysis. However, to get to the next and higher level of competence in business, leaders must be able to blend intellect with the invaluable competencies of EI. This workshop will help leaders to discover their core purpose and vision as it relates to being a leader.

Who is this course suitable for?

Leaders who want to explore and evaluate which beliefs and values contribute to their leadership approach.

Programme Topic Areas


What is emotional intelligence and the connection between behaviour, feelings, and performance
How emotions are an integral part of everyone’s work experience and are significantly influenced by the leader
How emotions impact on productivity and quality
Discover how and why a leader should find reasons to express gratitude in order to influence and develop co-operation in the workplace
How a leader identifies their emotions in the workplace and the impact this has on their team
Develop guidelines for expressing emotions that contribute to the overall productivity and quality of the team
Explore their fundamental beliefs and values about leadership that drive their workplace behaviour
Evaluate which beliefs and values contribute positively and negatively to their leadership approach
Introduce the process of the leader being their own self-coach in the development of EI

Summary & action plans agreed

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