Training Courses
Management & Leadership Development – Non Qualification
We can’t ignore it – it won’t go away – we have to learn to deal with it everyday. This workshop will show you how to deal with change as and when it arrives

If you are responsible for managing change, this workshop explains what change is and why it is necessary, why some change needs proactive management, the effects of change on people and how to gain commitment through the process of change management.

Who is this course suitable for?

Any manager or leader facing change in their everyday role who needs the tools and techniques to deal effectively with the process of change.

Programme Topic Areas


What is change?

definitions, incremental change, change drivers, the reasons why organisations change

Preparing for change

commitment, positioning, expert views, the ‘Success’ principle, barriers, culture, dealing with negative and positive response, organisational readiness

Making change happen

Key steps (analysis, design, planning, implementation), a team approach to managing change, dealing with resistance


The 5 Ws – to avoid misunderstanding

Summary & action plans agreed

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