Training Courses
Personal Effectiveness & Communication

Professional Writing Skills

Do you have problems communicating via the written word?

Radically transform your business writing skills. Become more effective in the way you write. Learn how to write clearly, persuasively and with energy and impact. Understand how to engage, entice and hold your readers’ attention, get your message across, make an impression and save yourself time! How well you write directly determines your effectiveness, your worth and your success.

Who is this course suitable for?

Anyone who needs to write well-structured and professional messages that grab their readers’ attention and communicate key messages effectively.

Programme Topic Areas


Meeting the Writer's Challenge

Our five-step approach shows you a quick and effective process for all forms of business writing. This will dramatically save time, improve quality and enhance impact.


Thinking Creatively and Logically

Our cluster technique provides you with a creative way of getting ideas down on paper fast. It builds the big picture, shows relationships, develops creativity and relieves worries about getting started.



By selecting the appropriate writing strategy at the planning stage, you can organise ideas for the greatest impact on the reader.


Drafting Quickly and Painlessly

You are taught how to rough draft, overcome writer’s block, build momentum and develop thoughts.


Editing for Sharper Focus

Learn how to pinpoint key words and focus on what’s important in their text. Edit your text to achieve a lasting impression and make it easier for the reader to understand.


Summary and action plans agreed

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