Training Courses
Personal Effectiveness & Communication

Resolving Conflict

Conflict management skills are a key tool that every manager needs in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Conflict and disagreement can be a huge barrier to getting things done. People have different views and regardless of which view is right, if people dig their heels in you can end up at stalemate.

Don’t let conflict stress you – it can be a positive. This session looks at ways in which you can positively manage conflict, helps you weigh up all the options rationally and come up with the approach that works and delivers the best outcome.

Who is this course suitable for?

Any manager or key employee who has to deal with conflict on a regular basis.

Programme Topic Areas


What is conflict?

Definition, costs of conflict, benefits, 4 possible outcomes, conflict types, causes

Ways of resolving conflict

3 strategies, resolution styles, levels of conflict

Conflict and psychological difficulties

Coping strategies, distorted thinking, the agreement box



Personality types and conflict

Comparisons of personality types

Conflict resolution process


Conflict and third party interventions


Team conflict

Conflict in teams

Bullying and harassment


Summary and action plans agreed

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