Training Courses
Management and Leadership Development – Non Qualification

Strategic Leadership and Management Development Programme

The Strategic Leadership and Management Development Programme is designed for Senior Managers and Leaders who want to develop themselves as leaders and managers, who recognise they have to satisfy various stakeholders and also want to invest in their own personal brand.

They may manage day to day operations and activities, and in doing so seek to make best use of their resources, understand the need to innovate and have a constant awareness of the need to optimise performance.

They may also have to present arguments for change, construct business cases, lead change implementation and evaluate the impact of that change. These are the Leaders/Managers who will benefit from this programme.

Check out our course brochure for full details

4 Day Open Residential Course in the Lake District

Programme 1


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Programme 2


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Programme 3


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Programme 4


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4 Day Open Tutor-Led Online Course


Programme 1


13th to 16th Jan


Programme 2


Dates TBA

Programme Cost

  • £2,695 + VAT per delegate

The Results Driven Price Comparison Offer

If you can price-match any of our open or bespoke residential courses, we will match the difference.

Read about our Price-Match Offer here


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